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Premier League club Chelsea have severed their sponsorship ties with Oman Air, the national carrier of the Asian nation, according to media reports.
The multi-year deal which began last July was the carrier’s inaugural Premier Club partnership and was reportedly worth US$2.5 million per season.
However, Oman Air currently does not have a presence on the club partners section of Chelsea’s website. With media reports claiming that this is an issue from Oman Air’s side, with carrier reportedly in the process of downsizing, and senior managers connected to the Chelsea deal having apparently left the company.
While Chelsea and Oman Air have yet to disclose any details, it is widely believed that Chelsea’s sponsorship plans are in awry as they currently do not have first-team front-of-shirt, sleeve or airline sponsors confirmed for next season.
The club’s front-of-shirt deal with Infinite Athlete and sleeve partnership with BingX are both understood to run through the remainder of the ongoing season only.
According to ASN data, the airline industry has invested slightly over US$118.2m, taking up a 3% share in the lively Asian football sponsorship landscape since Q221. Two of the biggest deals are Emirates tie-up with Real Madrid (~US$14.4m) and Qatar Airways (~US$17.5m). Meanwhile, Oman Air’s investment in the Asian sponsorship market has been rather lacklustre, with the last deal being the Kings Cup Polo event in Thailand in early 2018.