Our Sponsorship Property Evaluation Report or SPER assists you in determining the true value for all the major sponsorship assets of your rights property. Specifically, our evaluation overview will:

       -       Position your rights property against other similar properties

       -       Independently quantify and offer transparency to your proposal

       -       Identify your USP assets

       -       Help you negotiate the best price for your sponsorship property

SPER enables you to understand what assets you have that are of real value to potential partners. We identify all areas within the property that represent value to the corporate community, including:

       -       Branding Locations

       -       Ownership Opportunities

       -       Access To Areas / Talent

       -       Supply Rights

       -       Product Showcasing Opportunities

Drop our analysts a line on info@asiasponsorshipnews.com

Here is a selection of some SPERs that we have produced: