Millward Brown

Brand China Gamers

Report: Chinese Gamers Are Receptive To Brands

July 9, 2019

According to a recent report Gamers in China are receptive to brand association and cooperation, thereby providing insights into how brands can bring gamification to their media plans.

Report: Brands Should Give Gen Z Opportunities To Be In Control

May 30, 2017

Marketers are paying more attention to Gen Z as 16-19-year-olds become a key consumer force across many categories.

ASN INTERVIEW: Diageo reveals their killer Branded Content secret... Neuroscience

December 14, 2015

The use of data to influence the creative process may sound like a trainsmash waiting to happen, but Johnnie Walker have pulled off a coup with their one…

Latest BrandZ Study Reveals Localisation Is A Must In The Indian Market

September 10, 2015

The total value of India's top 50 brands has grown by a 33% since 2014, signaling the highest rate of growth in the decade long history of BrandZ…

Experts Predict China E-Commerce Boom

December 20, 2013

With an estimated 271 million online shoppers spending US$40,000 per second, China’s e-commerce industry is touted to be one of the world’s largest with more growth forecast.


March 11, 2008

The Ogilvy Group in China and Millward Brown ASCR have collaborated to produce a poll on overall excitement in the lead up to the coming Olympics.