Media/Pureplay Online

China’s Streaming Clampdown Likely To Augur Branded Content Sponsorship Setback

June 26, 2017

China's TV and film regulation body has clamped down live video and audio streaming services on three major websites, including Weibo.

Chinese Video Streaming Giant Splashes Over US$100m to Adapt Stephen Chow’s Blockbusters For Small Screens

June 14, 2017

Beijing-based video streaming platform iQiyi has paid a landmark US$61.8m for exclusive rights to the small screen adaptation of The Mermaid.

Napster-Rakuten Gear Up For A Streaming Challenge In Japan

June 5, 2017

Japan’s reluctance to adopt music streaming platforms has been a conundrum for media observers but the format may gain momentum after Napster and Rakuten announced a major partnership…

Tencent and Universal Collaborate To Develop Chinese Music Scene

May 17, 2017

Record label Universal Music Group and Chinese music streaming behemoth Tencent Music have signed an agreement which includes the distribution and licensing of Universal record labels to Chinese…

Twitter And Bloomberg Set To Collaborate On 24/7 News Channel

May 1, 2017

Twitter is poised to partner Bloomberg to create a round-the-clock news show as the social media looks to diversify its portfolio of ad revenue.

Youku Poised To Produce A Tame Local SNL For China

April 28, 2017

Alibaba-owned video streaming platform Youku has secured a partnership with NBC Universal to produce the Chinese version of iconic sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live.
On The Job

HOOQ Goes On The Charm Offensive With Original Asean Content

April 27, 2017

Singapore-based streaming video service Hooq is splashing the cash on original content from the ASEAN region to compete with other local and global SVOD offerings.

Korean Air Hot on the Heels of ANA With Latest Branded Content Collab

April 20, 2017

Korea's national carrier has partnered CNN’s social video network Great Big Story on a Korean-centric branded content series.

Line Aims To Drive Brand Partnerships On Back Of Video Content Growth (Thailand)

March 29, 2017

Line Thailand is going big on its free online video content service as the mobile messaging company aims to leverage the massive rise of domestic online video advertising…

Indonesian eSports Platform Scores An Investment Boost

March 3, 2017

Indonesia’s eSports platform RevivalTV is a mere seven months old, but it has scored a major investment deal, a boost for Asean’s biggest eSports market.