Hong Kong

Hong Kong Open seeks Govt funding after sponsorship shortfall

September 10, 2012

Organisers of the Hong Kong Open golf tournament have sought additional government funding to help fill a sponsorship shortfall of about $2.75 million.

HSBC to leverage Hong Kong rugby with help of Waratahs

July 6, 2012

HSBC will leverage its sponsorship of the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union through a new initiative that involves Australian based Super Rugby franchise, the Waratahs.

ASN INTERVIEW: Steve Dainton of the ITTF

May 14, 2012

ASN caught up with Steve Dainton, Marketing Director of the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) based in Singapore, to talk about his perspectives on table tennis, sports and…

HSBC becomes principal sponsor of Hong Kong Rugby

August 25, 2011

HSBC has become the major sponsor of the Hong Kong Rugby Football Union and will back its men’s and women’s national teams. HSBC will receive branding on the…

Cathay Pacific and HSBC to co-sponsor HK Sevens

May 18, 2011

Cathay Pacific and HSBC will be the new co-title sponsors of the Honk Kong Sevens rugby tournament. The deal runs from 2012 to 2015. Both companies have been…

Samsung Connects Hong Kong to Guangzhou Games

April 20, 2010

Samsung Electronics has teamed up with Hong Kong’s MTR Corporation to launch a dedicated rail service between Hong Kong and Guangzhou for this year’s Asian Games.

Johnson & Johnson Sponsor Seoul vs Hong Kong Rugby

August 27, 2009

Johnson & Johnson is the sponsor of a face-off between Hong Kong and South Korean rugby teams this weekend in Seoul.

HK$100 Million Fund Established to Attract Major Events

March 27, 2009

The Government of Hong Kong SAR has announced it intends to spend HK$100 million on attracting large-scale events to the city.

HK Officials: Financial Crisis Won't Affect East Asian Games

January 21, 2009

Officials in Hong Kong have declared that this year's East Asian Games will go ahead unaffected by the global economic downturn. Tsang Tak-sing, Hong Kong's Secretary for Home…

Cathay Pacific to Sponsor Hong Kong CNY Parade

January 15, 2009

Cathay Pacific Airways has become the top sponsor of Hong Kong’s Lunar New Year Night Parade, an event expected to draw 100 thousand spectators.