
ASN has been the leading independent source of Sponsorship/Content industry intelligence in Asia since 2007 and is a must-have resource for anyone with interests in Asia.

Our founders - having spent 40 years collectively within the industry in Asia – realised that there was a black hole of information when it came to Sponsorship/Content (Brand Partnerships) in Asia. Now - with brand spend in the medium growing as fast as paid digital spend – our independent news, analytics, insights, services & training help thousands of Sponsorship/Content professionals make smarter investment decisions in Asia.

Each year (aside from the lean pandemic years) we capture and index ~US$10b of investment taking place in Asia, created by 9,000+ active brands, across 136 brand categories, in 22 countries... no other company has the depth of data in Asia.

We offer both a free, fundamental intelligence service - to enable the whole industry, as a minimum, to get the headlines on what's happening via an extensive News service - as well as Premium services, either under an online subscription – our Data Analytics, Directories and an offline advisory, with reporting and training services to support more customised needs.

Support: We've built a few helpful assets online to help prospective clients and existing users

  • A How-to Video to give you a look behind the scenes of our Premium paid product, the Analytics & Brand Directory
  • Our Search Tips page
  • Plus we have our ASN Helpdesk available for any really thorny issues. Drop us a line here if you're having any trouble

How ASN compiles its data

ASN aggregates information from a range of permissible sources in the public domain, or from consenting parties including ASN affiliates in several Asian territories. We also invite the wider industry stakeholders to contribute to the dataset.

ASN makes every effort to qualify the deal values; where there is no transparency on the deal value, ASN triangulates estimates based on several indicators:
  • Benchmarks created by averaging historic transactions in the ASN database
  • Valuations from local affiliates who are closest to the deal
  • Values reported in media
  • Values released by rights holders
  • ASN's codified system of assessing a price, fine-tuned after 15+ years experience. The system takes into account several micro variables - a platform's status, a brand's position in the sponsor hierarchy, the sophistication of the host market, the number of dimensions to each deal, etc.

ASN only accounts for the value of rights fees in each deal (which could include traditional media assets, if bundled) and not any associated expenditure such as activation costs.

The value of multi-year Sponsorship deals is pro-rated across all the years of a deal with adjustment to reflect typical sponsorship contract norms that allow for inflation or increased value from growing audiences.

ASN defines "Asian" Sponsorship deals as those that are booked and spent on the Asian continent (excluding Middle East/West Asia, Central Asia and Oceania).

The base currency rate is US$ – if the value is not reported in US$, ASN will calculate and fix currency exchange rates at the time that a deal is logged.

ASN is committed to the quality and relevance of its services and makes every effort to ensure that its data is accurate. We invite users to report any inaccuracy to info@asiasponsorshipnews.com.


The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a privacy and data protection regulation in the European Union effective from May 25 2018. The GDPR imposes new obligations on organisations that control or process personal data and introduces new rights and protections for EU citizens. Asia Sponsorship News Co., Ltd. (ASN) is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and we strictly adhere to the provisions of all relevant Data Protection Legislation, including GDPR, ensuring all personal data is handled in line with the principles outlined in the regulation that state:
Personal data shall be:
  1. Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to the data subject
  2. Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes
  3. Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed
  4. Accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
  5. Kept in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed
  6. Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures
ASN respects our clients’ rights to data privacy and protection and as such we have revised our internal policies, procedures, working practices in order to meet the requirements of the GDPR as a benchmark, and other privacy and data protection regulations across territories we operate in, for example Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) which was built on the GDPR and effective from June 1 2022. We place a high priority on protecting and managing data in accordance with accepted standards and indeed helping our clients utilise our products and services to the same end. ASN is committed to compliance with the GDPR as both a processor and controller of personal data and our management will ensure compliance on an ongoing basis. Further information is available within our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Terms of Contract. If you have any further questions, please speak to your account manager or contact info@asiasponsorshipnews.com.

Our Parent

ASN is operated by Asia Sponsorship News Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Paul Poole (South East Asia) Co., Ltd. a company registered in Thailand, company no. 0835565017401.


Paul Poole (South East Asia) Co., Ltd. is an independent marketing consultancy based in Bangkok, Thailand specialising in commercial sponsorship and partnership marketing, working with both rights holders and brands - acting as a catalyst by bringing them together and maximising the relationship.


The consultancy has packaged, sold and managed sponsorship and partnership opportunities for a wide range of rights holders and worked with many of the world’s leading brands to source and engage the right sponsorships and partnerships for them to maximise.


www.paulpoole.co.th info@paupoole.co.th